Ashok Leyland Q3FY24 Update


Ashok Leyland, a leading Indian automotive manufacturer, held a conference call on February 6, 2024, to discuss its financial performance for the first nine months of the current fiscal year (April-December 2023). The company reported strong results, with record-breaking revenue, EBITDA, and PAT.

Revenue: Rs. 27,100 crores, highest ever

Sales Volume: 1,38,416 units, highest ever

EBITDA: Rs. 3,014 crores, highest ever

PAT: Rs. 1,718 crores, highest ever

EBITDA Margin: 12.0% in Q3, moving towards mid-teen target

Domestic MHCV industry growth: 9% in the first 9 months

Q4 industry growth may be subdued due to high base effect and union elections

Medium-term industry outlook remains favourable due to strong macroeconomic environment, healthy replacement demand, and improving freight demand

Focus on profitable growth, not sacrificing margins for market share

Continuous cost reduction efforts

Strict pricing discipline

Expansion of sales network and service reach

Investment in electric vehicles through Switch Mobility

Strong performance of Switch products in the market

First batch of electric LCVs to be delivered within the next few months

Commercial launch of electric truck and nearing market trials of electric tractor trailer

Investment of Rs. 662 crores in Optare PLC, the holding company for Switch UK and Switch India

Q3 Revenue: Rs. 9,273 crores, up 3% YoY

Q3 EBITDA: Rs. 1,114 crores, up 40% YoY

Q3 PAT: Rs. 580 crores, up 61% YoY

Operating working capital: Rs. 2,004 crores

Net debt: Rs. 1,747 crores

Based on the company’s strong performance and positive industry outlook, it is reasonable to expect continued growth in the next 2-3 years. The company’s focus on profitable growth, cost reduction, and expansion of its sales network and service reach should drive further revenue and margin improvements.

Based on the company’s strong performance in the first 9 months of the current financial year and the favourable industry outlook, it is reasonable to expect continued growth in the next 2-3 years. The company’s focus on profitable growth, cost reduction, and product differentiation should support margin expansion and revenue growth.

Year 1: 13-15% EBITDA margin

Year 2: 15-17% EBITDA margin

Year 3: 17-19% EBITDA margin

The management team of Ashok Leyland has demonstrated strong leadership and execution capabilities. They have successfully navigated the challenges of the pandemic and positioned the company for long-term growth. The management’s focus on profitability, innovation, and customer satisfaction is commendable.

Based on the company’s strong financial performance, strategic initiatives, and focus on long-term growth, overall, I would grade the management team a score of 90 out of 100.

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